.. _usage: ***** Usage ***** Server ###### Options provided by ThugD .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src $ python run_tasks -h Synopsis: ThugD: Distributed Pure Python Honeyclient Implementation Usage: python run_tasks.py [ thug-options ] url Optional Arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit URL Options: -U [ ...], --url [ ...] Enter Single/Multiple URL's to Analyze -uf , --url-file File containing bunch of URL's(1 per line) Thug Distributed Options: -ia, --include-agent Display Thug Version -qu [ ...], --queue [ ...] Specify Queue/Queues to route URL's (*Single Queue: URL's will be routed to specified Queue, *Multiple Queues: URL's will be routed to ALL specified Queues) -qf , --queue-file Specify File name containing Queue names(1 per line) Thug Options: -V, --version Display Thug Version -u , --useragent Select a user agent(see below for values, default: winxpie60) -e , --events Enable comma-separated specified DOM events handling -w , --delay Set a maximum setTimeout/setInterval delay value (in milliseconds) -n , --logdir Set the log output directory -o , --output Log to a specified file -r , --referer Specify a referer -p , --proxy Specify a proxy (see below for format and supported schemes) -l, --local Analyze a locally saved page -x, --local-nofetch Analyze a locally saved page and prevent remotecontent fetching -v, --verbose Enable verbose mode -d, --debug Enable debug mode -q, --quiet Disable console logging -m, --no-cache Disable local web cache -a, --ast-debug Enable AST debug mode (requires debug mode) -t , --threshold Maximum pages to fetch -E, --extensive Extensive fetch of linked pages -T , --timeout Timeout in minutes Plugins: -A , --adobepdf Specify the Adobe Acrobat Reader version (default: 9.1.0) -P, --no-adobepdf Disable Adobe Acrobat Reader Plugin -S , --shockwave Specify the Shockwave Flash version (default: -R, --no-shockwave Disable Shockwave Flash Plugin -J , --javaplugin Specify the Java Plugin version (default: -K, --no-javaplugin Disable Java Plugin Classifiers: -Q , --urlclassifier Specify a list of additional (comma separated) URL classifier rule files -W , --jsclassifier Specify a list of additional (comma separated) JS classifier rule files Available User-Agents: winxpie60 Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows XP) winxpie61 Internet Explorer 6.1 (Windows XP) winxpie70 Internet Explorer 7.0 (Windows XP) winxpie80 Internet Explorer 8.0 (Windows XP) winxpchrome20 Chrome 20.0.1132.47 (Windows XP) winxpfirefox12 Firefox 12.0 (Windows XP) winxpsafari5 Safari 5.1.7 (Windows XP) win2kie60 Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows 2000) win2kie80 Internet Explorer 8.0 (Windows 2000) win7ie80 Internet Explorer 8.0 (Windows 7) win7ie90 Internet Explorer 9.0 (Windows 7) win7chrome20 Chrome 20.0.1132.47 (Windows 7) win7firefox3 Firefox 3.6.13 (Windows 7) win7safari5 Safari 5.1.7 (Windows 7) osx10safari5 Safari 5.1.1 (MacOS X 10.7.2) osx10chrome19 Chrome 19.0.1084.54 (MacOS X 10.7.4) galaxy2chrome18 Chrome 18.0.1025.166 (Samsung Galaxy S II,Android 4.0.3) galaxy2chrome25 Chrome 25.0.1364.123 (Samsung Galaxy S II,Android 4.0.3) linuxchrome26 Chrome 26.0.1410.19 (Linux) linuxfirefox19 Firefox 19.0 (Linux) Different Methods of Distributing URL's among workers: ****************************************************** * **Distributing Single URL with Default Queue (generic)**: By it a single URL will be put up in the *generic* queue, from which worker can fetch the URL and after processing it will return back the results to server. .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ python run_tasks.py -U http://www.google.com * **Single URL with Single Specified Queue(India)**: In it a single URL will be put up in the Specified Queue i.e. *India* (geolocation based queue) and not in generic queue. Then whenever a worker from country India connects it will automatically fetch the URL from it and do further processing on it. .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ python run_tasks.py -qu IN -U http://www.google.com * **Single URL with Multiple Specified Queues(India, Italy, China, US)**: In it a single URL will be putted up in multiple specified queues. Therefore a copy of a single URL will be put up in multiple queues and whenever workers corresponding to that queues will be attached they will process the URLs and return back the results. .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ python run_tasks.py -qu IN IT CN US -U http://www.google.com * **Multiple URL's(Google, Twitter, Mozilla) with Single Specified Queue(India)**: This is a simple case where multiple URL's are put up in a single specified queue like India in this case. So whenever workers corresponding to India will connect URLs will get processed by them. .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ python run_tasks.py -qu IN -U http://www.google.com http://www.twitter.com http://www.mozilla.com * **Multiple URL's(Google, Twitter, Mozilla) with Multiple Specified Queues(India, Italy, China, US)**: This is the advanced distribution as here multiple URL's will be distributed among all the specified queues. Therefore according to this case Google, Twitter, Mozilla URL will be put up in all India, Italy, China, US queues. .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ python run_tasks.py -qu IN IT CN US -U http://www.google.com http://www.twitter.com http://www.mozilla.com * **Multiple URL's from file(urls.txt) with Multiple Specified Queues from file(queues.txt)**: This feature was added for reducing pain of specifying all URL's and queues manually. By this URL's and queues name would be fetched from the files specified and then every URL will be put up in every queue present in the file. .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ python run_tasks.py -qf queues.txt -uf urls.txt * **Running Thug with following prioritized Agents: Multiple URL's from file(urls.txt) with Multiple Specified Queues from file(queues.txt)**: In it every URL will be put up in every Queue with all the agent's specified below one at a time, so that we can check the difference in attacks to different browsers. Therefore for a single URL 18 URL's will be added to a queue because there are 18 different agents specified. .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ python run_tasks.py -qf queues.txt -uf urls.txt -ia **Agents Priority** .. code-block:: sh win7chrome20 win7firefox3 win7ie90 win7safazi5 osx10chrome19 osx10safari5 linuxchrome26 linuxfirefox19 win7ie80 winxpchrome20 winxpfirefox12 winxpie80 winxpsafari5 winxpie70 win2kie80 win2kie60 galaxy2chrome25 galaxy2chrome18 Run Flower(optional) ******************** .. code-block:: sh $ flower Open ``_ to access the tool. Checking Active Queues ********************** .. code-block:: sh $ sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues Worker ###### Workers are runned to help the **Thug** project to analyze the attacks on Clients. Please run the workers on your system as Server is running up there in US, so that we can analyze the attacks on clients and can secure users from these attacks. Its a contribution to the **Thug** Project, so be the part of the Thug Project by running worker on your system. Move inside the **src** folder of thugd **Single Worker** .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ celery worker -A ThugD.main_server.thugd -l info -n w1 **Multiple Workers** .. code-block:: sh ~/thugd/src$ celery multi start w1 w2 w3 -A ThugD.main_server.thugd -l info